Tuesday 3 May 2022

The Importance of Preschool in Serangoon

Preschool, as the name suggests is an experience provided to children during their initial years of development. It is basically an early childhood program offered by professionally trained adults in which children learn while having fun. They also begin to have an idea of what a school is and that it can be fun to be a part of a school where they can make friends. However, many parents have a question about how important a preschool education is for a child because traditionally a child would spend the initial years with family before beginning formal school. We can answer it here and remove all your apprehensions regarding a preschool.

Child’s Development in Initial Years

Preschool education aids in a child’s social, personal, and emotional development. Preschools normally take in toddlers starting from the age of 2 till 5 years of age. This is the most important time for personal development in a child. This development is accelerated by the presence of a fun and safe environment in the form of preschool. When a toddler is spending time with other adults and children apart from family members she/he learns to adjust to the new environment and people. Preschool offers a structured setting of a routine to a child which paves the way for him/her to a disciplined life in the future. The child learns to share and care for others besides family and also learns a lot of new things which helps in personal growth.

Usually, a child learns to speak at home but does not really face challenges while communicating with family members, especially in the presence of the mother. In a preschool, a child learns to do things independently without the presence of his/her mother and also learns to communicate emotions and ideas to peers and teachers. The more they interact, the more they learn. They gain practical knowledge through exposure to language skills, role plays, reading sessions, and other activities promoting brain development.

Physically Fit Children

In a preschool curriculum, a child not only learns to adjust and observe but also enhances physical coordination skills. Activities involving running, climbing, art, and craft enhance hand-eye coordination thus honing the gross and fine motor skills. This is the age when children are most inquisitive and bustling with energy. By exposure to a safe and guided environment, they find answers to all their queries. Through experimentation and conversation with teachers and peers a whole new world open ups to them with endless learning possibilities.

Cognitive Development in Children

Children evolve in stages and cognitive development is another milestone for them. Symbolic thought which is the ability to mentally or symbolically represent events, objects, and actions develops during this age with guided learning. Through activities like pretend play and drawing they are capable of representing things and speaking about objects.

Overall, it can be said safely that preschool provides an experience that helps children in all kinds of development. With their consistent and positive approach and emotional support, they make children ready to learn in their future. By reinstating positive behaviour the preschools encourage children to discover the joy of learning. They also provide a sense of achievement in children when they complete activities appropriate to their age. A child becomes more confident with each passing day when he/she learns new things at preschool.

There are several good Preschool in Serangoon. Names of some of the leading preschools are as follows:

·         Mindchamps Preschool @Serangoon

·         Camelot Infant Care

·         Brilliant Tots @Serangoon

·         MapleBear Serangoon Gardens

·         Blossom Discovery Center (Serangoon)

·         Sarada

Choose any of these for your child and help in his/her social, personal, and cognitive development paving the way for future learning. 

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